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Web Interface

The FruitNanny is accessed via a web interface. It is desinged as single-page application and written with Vue.js and the Material Design framework Vuetify.

GitHub Repository

The UI is developed in its own GitHub repository. Please report any issues or feature requests there.



The following development tools are required:

# Tools for building the Debian package
sudo apt install devscripts


The source code is written in TypeScript. Vue components are written as single-file components using vue-class-components and vue-property-decorator to leverage ES6 class syntax.

A special requirement for the FruitNanny web UI is the full-offline capability. This means the web UI needs to work in an full-offline scenario where the Raspberry Pi has no Internet connection. This is requires for the FruitNanny to work in hotspot mode.

# Clone git repository
git clone

cd fruitnanny-ui/

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run development server
npm run serve


The FruitNanny UI uses multiple Vue.js plugins in src/plugins/:

We use the standard vue-router. The routing table is defined in this plugin module.
Configures the Material Design color palette and dark mode.
Custom plugin for a centralized management of Material Design snackbar notifications. This plugin provides a $notify property to all Vue components that can be used to send global notifications.

Persistent Configuration

User-specific settings are stored in the browser LocalStorage. The centralized API for managing user settings is the src/settings.ts module.


The web UI is released as Debian package. The release process is as follows:

# Update changelog

The version numbering is <year>.<month>.<patch>. We do not use semantic versioning because we do not give guarantees about API compatibility.

# Build Debian package
make deb

The Debian package will install the Vue.js production build of the app into /usr/share/fruitnanny-ui. The web directory will be used as web root by the fruitnanny-api package.

Last update: May 29, 2020